Powerful Dua To Make Someone Love You and Marry You


Salam! In this article, we will share a powerful dua to make someone love you and marry you, along with the proper methods to perform it. Make sure to read the entire article carefully without skipping any parts if you want to marry your beloved. 

Do you deeply love someone and envision a future with them? Are numerous problems preventing you both from uniting? It may even be that the person is not yet ready to marry you. 

Don’t panic, because today we will provide you with the “Dua to make someone love you and marry you.” By performing this dua, the person will start to love you, and their intention to marry you will become evident. 

How does the “Dua to make someone love you and marry you” work for you? We are all aware of the immense power the Quran holds, containing Surahs that, when used correctly, can transform lives. 

Allah Ta’ala created this universe and, as the Quran states, continues to expand it every second. 

There is no doubt that Allah Ta’ala has also created us and provided solutions to our troubles through the Quran. The key difference lies in our understanding of how to properly utilize the Quran. 

Today, through this article, we will provide you with the Dua and the method to perform it so that you can attract your beloved and move forward in the bond of marriage. 

dua to make someone love you madly
Powerful Dua To Make Someone Love You and Marry You 4

Guidelines about Dua to Make Someone Love You & Marry You

When performing any specific dua, it’s crucial to follow some important guidelines to ensure its acceptance by Allah Ta’ala. Let’s go over these key points: 

  • Intention: Make sure your intention is clear and pure. If you are reciting this dua with manipulative or negative intentions, it will not be effective. 
  • Say Astaghfirullah: If you make a mistake while praying, recite Astaghfirullah 11 times and start the prayer again. 
  • Avoid Magic: Do not use any black magic while reciting this dua, as it is prohibited and haram in Islam. 
  • Menstruation: Women should not perform this dua during their menstruation period. 
  • Face Qibla: Perform this dua while facing the Qibla. 

Following these points will help ensure your dua is accepted and you see its results. 

Benefits of dua to make someone love you and marry you

Steps to Perform the Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You 

  1. After Fajr, perform Wudu. 
  1. Recite Durood E-Sharif eleven times. 
  1. Recite Ayat al-Kursi eleven times. 
  1. Imagine your beloved and recite Surah Al-Muzzammil fifty-four times. 
  1. Pray to Allah (SWT) to bring your beloved back to you and marry you. 

Follow this method consistently for 14 days, Inshallah, and you will soon begin to see positive results. 

Learn how to perform Tahajjud dua for marriage to fulfill your dream of getting married.

Benefits of Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You

  • This dua to make someone fall in love with you provides a lasting solution. It is not just a temporary fix, which is its greatest advantage. 
  • The dua and the method of reciting it are completely Halal. 
  • By performing this dua, you will receive Allah’s blessings, which will assist you in any problem. 
  • This dua allows you to directly seek help from Allah (SWT). 
  • eciting this dua can also help resolve other issues in your life to a great extent. 

To make any other effort about dua to make someone fall in love with you and marry you, you can consult our Islamic scholar. He will help you perform the dua to make someone fall in love with you and marry you withing a short time.

Frequently Asked Questions

can i make dua to marry a specific person?

Yes, you can make dua to marry a specific person. At emandua.com, we believe that sincere prayers can significantly impact your life’s outcomes. When making dua for marrying the person you want, ensure your intentions are pure and align with Allah’s will. Start by performing wudu (ablution), offer two raka’ats of Salat al-Hajat (prayer of need), and sincerely ask Allah for guidance and to bring you together if it’s beneficial for both of you. Remember, trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing, as He knows what is best for you.

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