Salam to all the Eman Dua readers! Get the dua to marry someone you love that has benefitted thousands of readers till now. Read this article in detail to find out how the dua to get married to the person of your choice will help you.
If you love someone and wish to marry them, a dua to marry someone you love for this purpose can be very helpful. This dua can convince the person you love to marry you effortlessly.
Dua to marry someone of your choice will instill similar feelings in their heart, leading to a mutual desire for marriage. Soon, both of you can be united in marriage. This dua is a powerful remedy to marry the person you love, regardless of any differences.

What Is The Dua To Marry Someone You Love In Quran?
Sometimes we love someone but hesitate to share our feelings. If you are an introvert and unsure how to propose, a dua to get married to the person you want is all you need. This dua will help create mutual feelings in that person’s heart, leading to a marriage.
Islamic dua to marry someone you is ideal for shy lovers and those who cannot convey their love. These duas foster similar feelings in the person you love, making it easier to unite in marriage.
Stepwise Process To Perform The Dua To Marry Someone You Love
Begin with a sincere intention in your heart to seek Allah’s guidance and blessings to marry the person you love.
- Find a quiet and clean place to pray without disturbances. The last third of the night is an especially blessed time for making dua.
- Start by praying two rak’ahs of nafl prayer to seek closeness to Allah.
- After completing the nafl prayer, raise your hands and begin your dua by praising Allah: “Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin.”
- Recite Salawat: “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa ‘ala aali Muhammad.”
- Make a specific dua for marrying the person you love:
“رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ” (Surah Al-Qasas, 28:24) - Translation: “My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.”
- Continue making this dua regularly, especially after obligatory prayers and during blessed times.
- By following these steps, you can make a sincere supplication to Allah, seeking His guidance and blessings to marry the person you love.
What is the dua to marry someone of your choice?
Today’s youth prefer choosing a partner they know, like, and love rather than spending their lives with someone their parents have chosen. If you wish to marry someone of your choice, recite the dua to marry someone of your choice. This dua will help convince your crush for marriage, and soon they will agree to marry you.
If there is someone you have always loved and envisioned as your life partner, recite the dua to marry the person you love. This dua fosters mutual feelings and eases the path to marriage. Trust in Allah’s guidance and be consistent in your prayers for the best outcome.

How To Perform Dua To Marry Someone Of Your Choice
- Complete the obligatory Fajr prayer.
- After Fajr prayer, recite the specific marriage dua 313 times.
Wa La Tamu Dunna Ainaika Ela Maa Matta Naa Bihi Azwajam Minhum Zahratal Hayatid Duniya Le Naftenahum Feehe Wa Rizqo Rabbika Khairun Wa Abqa Wa Mur Ahlaka Bis Salati Was Tabir Alaiha La nas Aluka Rizqa Nano Narzo Wal Aqibatu Littaqwa - Sincerely ask Allah to grant you the blessing of marrying the love of your life.
- Insha Allah, within 21 days, you will receive good news regarding your marriage.
- Soon, your marriage will be arranged with the person you desire.
You can also get the dua for love marriage from our Islamic scholar to get the best results instantly.
Best Dua To Get Married To Someone You Love
Having a love relationship is haram, but marrying someone you love is completely halal in Islam. If you love someone, you should propose to them for marriage right away. To make your relationship halal, reciting a dua for getting married to the person you want can be very helpful.
This dua to get married soon will help you marry your lover quickly by changing their heart and making them want to marry you. Trust in Allah’s guidance and be sincere in your supplication. With consistent prayer, your wish to marry the person you love will come true.
Step-by-Step Dua To Get Married To Someone You Love
- After performing the Zohar prayer, recite Surah Muzammil once daily for 41 days.
- Make heartfelt dua to Allah for your marriage.
- Insha Allah, within 41 days, you will receive positive marriage proposals. Choose the one that best suits you.
- Girls should pause reciting the surah during menstruation and resume after completing their cycle to complete the 41 days.
- If you do not see results within 41 days, seek guidance to perform this dua effectively.
For any further queries about the dua to marry someone you love, consult our Islamic scholar.
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