Powerful Dua to Break Engagement (or Marriage in Islam)


If you are searching for a dua to break engagement in a halal and rightful manner, this article is for you. It’s essential to remember that intention is key in Islam. If your purpose is pure and sincere, seeking Allah’s help to rectify what you believe is wrong can be part of your spiritual journey.

In Islam, dua (supplication) is a potent means of connecting with Allah and seeking His guidance in our lives. When faced with personal struggles, including matters of the heart, the Quran provides lawful solutions that align with the values of faith, justice, and sincerity.

At emandua.com, we bring solutions that are grounded in Islamic teachings, guiding you through spiritual practices that are both effective and permissible. Before diving into the dua, it’s critical to recognize that actions should always be performed with a clean heart and pure intentions. Let’s explore the powerful dua to break someone’s engagement and how it can help bring positive change to your life.

Understanding the Power of Dua to Break Engagement

The concept of dua to break engagement is central to the life of a believer. Whether you are seeking to mend a broken relationship or hoping to break an engagement that feels unjust, dua to break your engagement is your direct line to Allah. It’s not just about the words you recite, but about your connection, faith, and belief in the Almighty.

In some situations, people may find themselves or their loved ones engaged or committed to a relationship that does not align with their true wishes. Such engagements could be the result of external pressure, societal expectations, or even misunderstandings. In these moments, turning to dua to break engagement in Islam can be a way to seek relief and guidance.

However, it’s essential to ask yourself: Are your intentions pure? If you seek this dua to break a haram relationship or to stop a forced engagement, you can trust that Allah will listen to your supplication. But if your goal is motivated by selfish or ill-intentions, remember that Allah knows what is in your heart, and such prayers may not be accepted.

If you want the dua to break marriage in Hindi, you can read the shadi todne ki dua.

Conditions for Making Dua to Break Engagement or Marriage

Before we proceed with the step-by-step process of making this dua, it’s vital to highlight the importance of certain conditions. For any dua to be effective, it should be accompanied by sincerity, strong faith in Allah, and adherence to Islamic principles. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Purity of Intention: Your intention behind this dua should be lawful and just in the eyes of Allah. Avoid making this dua for selfish reasons or personal gain at the expense of others.
  • Strong Belief in Allah: For this dua to work, you must firmly believe that Allah is capable of solving your problems, and His decisions are the best for you.
  • Patience: Even though this dua can be powerful, remember that Allah works in His own time. You might not see results immediately, but have faith that everything is unfolding as it should.
  • Righteous Actions: Alongside making dua, be sure to lead a life in accordance with Islamic teachings. Engage in good deeds and remain committed to the pillars of Islam.

Step-by-Step Dua to Break Someone’s Engagement

When performing this dua, follow these steps diligently for maximum effectiveness. Ensure you maintain a focused and sincere heart, keeping your intentions pure.

  1. Cleanse yourself by performing wudu. Purity is essential when making dua.
  2. The best time to perform this dua is during the early hours of Fajr (before dawn) or at the time of Adhan, as these are moments when prayers are more likely to be accepted.
  3. For spiritual guidance, it is highly recommended to face the Qibla while reciting your dua.
  4. Begin by reciting “Durood Shareef” seven times, asking Allah for forgiveness for any sins you may have committed.
  5. Recite the name of Allah, “Ya Wadudu,” 112 times with full concentration.
  6. Follow this by reciting Durood-E-Inaam nine times.
  7. Open the Quran and recite Surah Al-Qasas (28:24) eleven times. This surah carries special significance in matters of relationships and personal desires.
  8. After these preparatory steps, recite the following dua for breaking engagements 109 times: “اللهم فرق بينهم وأبعدهم كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب” (“O Allah, separate them and keep them apart as You have kept the East and the West apart.”)
  9. End with Durood Shareef: Conclude by reciting Durood Shareef again seven times and making a heartfelt supplication, asking Allah to help you achieve what is best for you and everyone involved.

Why This Dua to Break Marriage or Engagement Works

Many people, through the grace of Allah, have seen success with this dua. When done with sincerity and dedication, this dua taps into the spiritual power of the Quran. It’s not a means to control or manipulate fate but rather a way to ask Allah for guidance in situations where human will falls short.

Whether you are seeking to break your engagement or that of someone else, remember that Allah always knows what is best. Trust in His judgment, and approach this dua with the mindset that His decision, whatever it may be, is ultimately the right one.

Dua to Convince Parents to Break Engagement

In many cases, parental approval plays a critical role in the process of engagement and marriage. If you find yourself in a situation where you are engaged but do not wish to proceed, and your parents are firm in their decision, there is a dua to convince parents to break the engagement.

Recite this dua with faith in Allah:

“رب اشرح لي صدري ويسر لي أمري”

(“O Allah, open my heart and make my matter easy for me.”)

This dua, when performed regularly for three consecutive days, has the potential to soften your parents’ hearts and bring them around to understanding your situation. Approach the conversation with respect, patience, and love, knowing that Allah can create ease where there was once difficulty.


Dua to break engagement is a powerful tool in the hands of a believer. When performed with sincerity, it allows you to connect with Allah and seek His intervention in difficult situations. The dua to break someone’s engagement is a lawful and effective way to resolve matters of the heart, especially when done with the right intentions.

It is essential to remember that Allah’s plan is always the best, even if it doesn’t align with what you initially desire. Make this dua to break engagement or marriage with a pure heart, full trust in Allah. Have unwavering belief that He will bring you the best outcome, Insha Allah.

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Sufi Mahbub Shah
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