Dua for Stress and Anxiety – Get Relief from Worry and Depression


In today’s fast-paced world, it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. From family problems to financial struggles, the weight of our daily lives can make us feel lost.

However, as Muslims, we have the beautiful gift of Dua for stress and anxiety (prayer). Turning to Allah in times of need can bring comfort and ease. Remember, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) often turned to Allah for help in difficult times.

The power of dua for stress and anxiety is unmatched, and these sacred prayers connect us to the source of ultimate peace. 

Procedure for Reciting Dua for Stress and Anxiety: 

  1. Begin by making Wudu (ablution). Purify your body before turning to Allah for peace of mind. 
  2. Find a quiet place where you can focus and raise your hands in supplication. 
  3. Recite the following dua from the heart: 

“Allaahumma inni a’oodhu bika minal-hammi walhuzn, wal-‘ajzi wal-kasal, wal-bukhli wal-jubn, wa dal’id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal” 

Transliteration: “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts, and being overpowered by men.” 

  1. Repeat this dua 11 times daily after each Salah (prayer). 
  2. Continue for 7 days to feel the light of relief entering your heart.

This simple dua for stress and anxiety can bring a sense of calm, knowing that you are asking Allah to protect you from negative feelings. 

What is the Best Dua for Stress Relief in the Quran? 

When we experience overwhelming stress, our mind becomes clouded, and our heart feels heavy. In Islam, there are specific duas that can help us find relief from these burdens. The Dua for stress relief is one that carries immense power, offering spiritual healing. 

  1. Perform Wudu and clear your thoughts by sitting in a peaceful place. 
  2. Before reciting the dua, take deep breaths to calm your body. 
  3. Recite this dua, asking Allah to lighten your burdens:

“Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel” 

Transliteration: “Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs.” 

  1. Repeat this dua 33 times each morning and night for 5 days. 
  2. After completing, place your trust in Allah and believe He will ease your worries.

This dua will help release stress by reminding you that Allah is enough for you. He is the ultimate helper, and by placing your burdens in His hands, you will feel a sense of calmness wash over you. 

Best Dua for Mental Stress to Calm Your Mind

Mental stress can cloud your thoughts and lead to feelings of helplessness. When you feel like you are carrying the world on your shoulders, know that Allah is always there to listen. The Dua for mental stress helps release the pressure and brings clarity to your mind. 

Procedure for Reciting Dua for Mental Stress: 

  1. Find a clean place where you can sit quietly without distractions. 
  2. Raise your hands to the sky, visualizing your troubles being lifted. 
  3. Recite this dua:

“Rabbi yassir wa laa tu’assir, wa tammim bil-khayr” 

Transliteration: “O my Lord, make things easier for me, and do not make them difficult. Grant me good in everything.” 

  1. Recite this 21 times after Fajr and Maghrib prayers daily. 
  2. Continue this dua for 10 days to see an improvement in your mental state.

When reciting this dua for mental stress, believe that Allah is the one who can make your path smooth. He has the power to ease the challenges you face and give you strength. 

If you feel that your memory and intelligence is getting affected because of your stress, read the dua for memory and intelligence.

Powerful Dua for Relief from Stress in 5 Simple Steps

Many of us feel like the pressures of life are too much to bear. When we struggle, we can turn to the beautiful dua for relief from stress. This powerful dua helps remove the burdens weighing down our hearts and brings peace of mind. 

Procedure for Reciting Dua for Relief from Stress: 

1. Perform Wudu and make sure you are in a calm environment. 

2. Sit with your hands raised, turning your heart towards Allah. 

3. Recite the following: 

“Allaahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahla wa anta taj’alul hazna idha shi’ta sahla” 

Transliteration: “O Allah, there is no ease except in what You make easy. And if You will, You make the difficult easy.” 

4. Recite this dua 11 times after each prayer for 5 days. 

5. End by asking Allah to relieve your stress and grant you peace. 

By repeating this dua for relief from stress, you will feel the weight lifting from your heart. Allah has the power to make difficult situations easier and remove stress from your life. 

Most Effective Dua for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression from Quran

Sometimes, stress, anxiety, and depression can make life feel unbearable. During such times, there is a special dua that can bring comfort to your soul. This dua for stress, anxiety, and depression helps alleviate all three by calling upon Allah’s mercy. 

  1. Start with Wudu, purifying your body and soul. 
  2. Sit in a comfortable, quiet place where you can focus solely on Allah. 
  3. Recite this powerful dua:

“Allaahu Allaahu rabbee laa ushriku bihi shay’an” 

Transliteration: “Allah, Allah is my Lord. I do not associate anything with Him.” 

  1. Repeat this 100 times after each Salah for 3 days. 
  2. Each time you recite it, focus on Allah’s presence and believe in His healing power.

This dua works to heal not only your stress and anxiety but also any sadness or depression you may be feeling. Allah, in His infinite mercy, will guide you through these tough moments and bring light back into your life. 

Tips for Reducing Stress Through Halal Islamic Practices: 

1. Perform Salah (prayer): Regular Salah brings peace and closeness to Allah. 

2. Read Quran: The Quran is a healing for the soul and calms the mind. 

3. Make Dhikr (remembrance of Allah): Recite “SubhanAllah” and “Alhamdulillah” to connect with Allah and reduce stress. 

4. Trust in Allah’s Plan: Remember, everything happens for a reason, and Allah’s plan is always the best. 

5. Practice Gratitude: Focusing on what you are thankful for can shift your mindset away from stress. 


When stress, anxiety, or depression seem unbearable, remember the power of dua. Turning to Allah and reciting these special prayers can bring peace and relief to your heart. Each dua mentioned has the ability to ease your mind and help you through tough times.

With every recitation, trust that Allah is listening and will lighten your burdens. Keep these prayers close to your heart, and you will feel the warmth of Allah’s mercy surround you, comforting your soul in the most difficult moments. 

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Sufi Mahbub Shah
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