Powerful Dua for Heartbreak – Which Surah Heals a Broken Heart?


As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Today, we will discuss a deeply emotional topic—heartbreak. The pain of a broken heart can feel unbearable, but remember, turning to Allah and seeking His help through dua has brought peace and healing to millions around the world. Whether it’s the dua for someone you love or a prayer to heal your heart, the power of dua cannot be underestimated. 

Heartbreak is a test from Allah, but know that He is always there to comfort us. By reciting the right duas and following the steps properly, Allah will, InshaAllah, ease your pain and help you recover from the sadness. Let’s look at some powerful duas for heartbreak and healing the pain of a broken heart. 

Dua for Broken Heart 

When your heart is shattered, and you feel lost, the dua for a broken heart can help restore your peace. Heartbreak is a difficult test, but through patience and faith, we can overcome it. The Quran guides us to rely on Allah in times of hardship, including emotional pain. 

Here is a beautiful dua for heartbreak from the Quran to help you mend your broken heart: 

This dua is good for heartbreak and every effective in removing sadness from life.

“Rabbaana atinaa fid-dunya hasaanatan waa fil akhirati hasanatan waqinaa athaban-nar” 

Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 201

Translation of the dua for heartbreak: “Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and protect us from the torment of the Fire.” 

Procedure of performing Dua for Heartbreak in 6 steps

  1. Make Wudu (ablution) to purify yourself. 
  2. Sit facing the Qiblah. 
  3. Recite Durood Sharif 11 times. 
  4. Recite the dua for heartbreak above 100 times. 
  5. End with Durood Sharif 11 more times. 
  6. Continue this for 7 days, and sincerely ask Allah to heal your broken heart.

With consistency, this dua for heart break will, InshaAllah, provide you with emotional healing and peace of mind. 

Wazifa for Heartbreak in Islam 

If you feel that the pain of heartbreak is becoming overwhelming, a wazifa can offer a structured approach to healing through faith. The wazifa for heartbreak in Islam helps soothe the heart and brings you closer to Allah’s mercy. Recite the following wazifa to heal your heart from pain. 

  1. Start with Wudu. 
  2. After any of the five daily salat, sit in a quiet place and face the Qiblah. 
  3. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 3 times. 
  4. Recite “Ya Jabbaru” (O The Compeller) 500 times. 
  5. End with Durood Sharif 7 times. 
  6. Perform this wazifa for 21 days straight.

This wazifa calls upon Allah’s attribute, Al-Jabbar, which helps heal hearts and mend broken spirits. By performing this regularly, InshaAllah, you will feel a sense of relief and strength from your heartbreak. 

If you have decided to move on in life and want to forget a specific person, read the dua to forget someone now. You can consult our Islamic scholar on WhatsApp for more details about this dua.

What is the best Dua to Remove Sadness from Heart 

Sometimes heartbreak doesn’t just break your heart but also leaves you with deep sadness. In these moments, you may feel lost and overwhelmed by negative emotions. The dua to remove sadness from heart is a powerful way to ask Allah to take away your grief and replace it with peace and joy. 

Here’s a simple yet effective dua to remove sadness from your heart: 

“La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimeen” 

Translation: “There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.” 

Simple Steps of Performing Dua To Remove Sadness from Heart

  1. Perform ablution (Wudu). 
  2. Sit in a quiet place with your heart focused on Allah. 
  3. Recite Durood Sharif 11 times. 
  4. Recite the dua to remove sadness from heart above 33 times. 
  5. Make your dua to Allah, asking Him to take away your sadness. 
  6. Repeat this practice for 9 days.

By reciting this dua daily, Allah will ease your sadness, and InshaAllah, you will find the strength to move forward. 

Hadith about Breaking Someone’s Heart 

In Islam, it is a grave sin to hurt or break someone’s heart. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us the importance of kindness, compassion, and mercy in all of our relationships. Hurting someone emotionally is a significant wrongdoing that will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. 

In a famous Hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “The believer does not harm another believer with his tongue or hand.” This emphasizes the importance of treating others with respect and care. Breaking someone’s heart or causing emotional distress is considered sinful in Islam. 

If you have hurt someone, it’s important to seek forgiveness from both the person and Allah. Recite the following dua for forgiveness and healing: 

“Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilayh” 

Translation: “I seek forgiveness from Allah and turn to Him in repentance.” 

By seeking forgiveness, you purify your soul and help heal the hearts of those you have hurt. 

Ways to Overcome Heartbreak from the Quran 

When dealing with heartbreak, always remember that the Quran contains guidance for all aspects of life, including emotional pain. Here are some simple ways mentioned in the Quran to help you overcome heartbreak: 

  1. Faith in Allah: Always trust that Allah is the best planner. When we believe that Allah has better things in store for us, our heartbreak becomes easier to bear. 
  2. Be Thankful: Remember to count your blessings. Focusing on the good things in life can help you shift away from sadness. 
  3. Patience and Prayer: Through patience (Sabr) and regular prayer, Allah will heal your heart. Perform your five daily salat and make dua asking Allah for healing. 
  4. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Keep your environment positive, spend time with family, and avoid thinking about the person who hurt you.

These points can help you cope with heartbreak and guide you through the healing process. 


Heartbreak can feel like one of the most painful trials, but it is also an opportunity to strengthen your connection with Allah. Through powerful duas, wazifa, and remembering the teachings of the Quran, we can overcome the pain of a broken heart. Whether it is the dua for someone you love, the dua to remove sadness from the heart, or any other prayer mentioned above, each dua serves as a reminder that Allah’s mercy is always with us. Perform these duas with sincerity, and InshaAllah, your heart will heal, and you will find peace once again. 

Remember, no matter how broken you feel, Allah is always there to mend your heart and guide you through your pain. 

For any guidance about the dua for heartbreak, consult our Islamic scholar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which surah removes sadness?

Surah Ad-Duha (Chapter 93) is often recited to remove sadness and bring peace to the heart. It was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during a time of distress, and its message provides hope and reassurance that Allah is always with us in difficult times. The surah emphasizes that after hardship comes ease, offering comfort to those feeling sorrow.
In Urdu, Allah says in Surah Ad-Duha:
“اور بے شک تمہارے رب نے تمہیں چھوڑا نہیں اور نہ تم سے ناراض ہوا”
(Translation: “And your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He displeased.”)
Reciting this surah helps uplift the spirit and reminds us of Allah’s mercy.

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Sufi Mahbub Shah
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